Popularity: 0.0495
Place of birth: New York City, New York, USA
Gender: Female
Participated in:
The End of the Tour
The White Raven
A Night Out
Too Much Burglar
Hearts and Diamonds
Four Grains of Rice
There and Back
Jane Was Worth It
Dimples the Diplomat
Kernel Nutt and High Shoes
Beaned by a Beanshooter
In Arcadia
The Surprises of an Empty Hotel
Benjamin Bunter: Book Agent
A Price for Folly
The Mystery of the Empty Room
A Family Picnic
The Dust of Egypt
Rags and the Girl
Heavy Villains
The Revolt of Mr. Wiggs
The Goddess
When Samuel Skidded
The Homecoming of Henry
The Athletic Family
The Locked House
The Vases of Hymen
The Old Maid's Baby
Father's Flirtation
A Change in Baggage Checks
The Spirit of Christmas
Disciplining Daisy